Ways of Christ

Logo: drawed Christian cross and earth symbol

Addition to part 2.

"Archetypes" - from the earliest history - elucidated by the Bible - to Jesus, and to the future.

This table should not be taken schematicly; however, it is no arbitrary too - it contains results of our explorations. The Bible passages may be selected for Bible study, meditation or other work. As far as there are spiritual relations between the passages, they may follow the same sequence, and reverse too (cf. for instance John 1:30; John 8:58; Matthew 17, where Jesus refers to earlier and earlier eras) - more explanations in our main text -. Some difficult contents may be understood by contemplation. 
The "archetypes" in a wider sense which we refer to, are models - beings, forces and steps of development as well. This does not mean, they were significant only for the mind of the individual. Already the Psychology of C. G. Jung recognized the "collective" nature of archetypes. God can use them; he is also a God of the history. Jesus transforms them. More incidents might be added.

Early history and the Old Testament New Testament Symbols of the 
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1). The birth of Jesus... (John 1; Matthew 1-2). Cf. Revelation 1:5-8.  
"The earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters..." (Gen. 1:2 ...). The vision of John the baptist (John 1:29-34), and Jesus baptized in the Jordan.
Jesus in the silence of the desert; overcoming the temptations... (e.g. Mark 1:12-13).
The vision of Christ in Rev. 1:12-18.   
The creation of man... (Gen. 1:27). Calling the disciples (John 1...; e.g. Matthew 4:18-22). The 7 Churches (Rev. 2-3).  
"Eating the apple from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; Adam und Eve as parents..." (Gen. 3-4). Jesus and Mary at the wedding at Cana, transforming the water... (John 2, 1-12). Especially the third one of the 7 seals (Rev. 6:5).  
"Adam and Eve thrown out of the paradise"... (Gen. 3:24,...). "The holy zeal": Jesus throwing the dealers out of the temple (John 2, 13-25). Especially the sixth one of the 7 seals (Rev. 6:12-17).  
The time of the first invocations of the name of God and/or the prayer (...Gen. 4:17-26; cf. e.g. Jakob Lorber, "The household of God".) The Sermon on the mount (Matthew 5-7) with the Lord's prayer; the mass feeding(s); the transfiguration (Matthew 17)... Especially the seventh one of the 7 trumpets as a goal (Rev. 11:17).  
E.g. Enoch on his way with God, and taken away by God (Gen. 5:21-24). Raising Lazarus from the dead (John 11). Die 7 thunders; and "raising the two prophets from the dead" (Rev. 10 - 11:14).  
The "great flood"; the biblical Noah of the mountains of central asia and his covenant with the one God, stemming from a part of mankind before the flood and before the development of the peoples known today (Gen. 6-9). Mary of Bethany anointing Jesus; and Jesus washing the feet of the disciples (John 12; John 13:1-20).  The sign in the heaven, the "woman clothed with the sun and the moon under the feet, and a crown of 12 star on her head" - (Rev. 12); the lamb and his train (Rev. 14:1-5).  
Melchisedek, God's covenant with Abram; Jacob ... (Gen. 14-15 ...; also in conection with Gen. 14:12 ,...) The Last supper...: Jesus with the 12 disciples (e.g. Matthew 26, 26-29); 
in connection with the later arrest and the whipping.
The vision of the 144000 who overcome (Rev. 7; Off. 14:3); in connection with the other side in Rev. 13:1-10.  
Biblical prophets (possibly also prechristian prophets of other peoples, especially if they taught the one God and/or were inspired by his Spirit; e.g. Zarathustra). The last speeches of Jesus and his prayer (John 13:31 - 17); 
the crowning of thorns (John 19, 2-3).
The vision of the 144000 (see above), and the vision of the (Rev. 15:2-4); connected with the other side in Rev. 13:11-18.  
Jerusalem destructed and the Jews imprisoned at Babylon (among other passages 2ndKings 25). The crucifixion of Jesus (e.g. John 19:12-37);
The grave (e.g. John 19:38 - 20:10).
The "7 last plagues" and the fall of "Babylon", the Last Judgement (Rev. 15:5 - 18).  
The new temple... (among others Nehemia). The resurrection of Jesus (e.g. John 20, 11- Joh. 21) The Kingdom of peace (Rev. 20, 1-6).  
Chaos and expansion (hellenistic period of 1stMaccabees., 2ndMaccabees., Daniel 11-12). The Ascension of Jesus (Luke 24, Mark 16). The New Heaven and the New Earth, and the "New Jerusalem from Heaven" (Rev. 21-22).  

Some of these relations can be found only with the possibilities of our time. Who would have been able to create the whole work of art of these eras with their amazing signs - if not God ?? Nevertheless the human part of history is human, and should not be looked at as the pure work of God.


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