Ways of Christ

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 Part 3 additional topics, practical and biblical questions

A Christian way - digestion of the daily life.

Anyone seeking to progress from their own imperfect state to developing promising qualities - with Jesus as a standard and help - (compare the page "...ethics"), may first
become conscious of their own weak points, mistakes and the lapses they have made, instead of projecting their own bad moods, problems and harm onto others (compare Matthew 7:1 "Judge not, that you be not judged. 2 For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get. 3 Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?...")Afterwards, you may work on that "speck" of someone else as well = how you suffered.  
One notes it down, either mentally or on paper, and seek to improve as soon as possible, quietly (cf. our main text, chapter "the silence in the dessert"), and carefully like manufacturing something. If one has some success, one should take note of it. Our own efforts are called for in this case - maybe with the help of a related prayer, and according to one's faith God's help may come. However, if done seriously, one will look at attitudes, thoughts and emotions, and finally change one's behaviour too. It is easier to first search for a component of a problem, and then to pray for its solution... (Cf. the chapter "The holy zeal, and viewpoints concerning emotions")
It is difficult to change the "habits of a lifetime", but it is possible, if one is able to find out more and more of their unconscious parts. Nevertheless, in certain cases success may come immediately. Compare the successful decision of a smoker to stop smoking now for good. (Cf. the chapter "The transfiguration of Christ").
This practice of "looking at what happened and consciously digesting with prayer" could already be a spiritual path that helps us to progress greatly, and can accompany us through our whole lives. However, with intensive practice at least some important changes may occur soon. "Deeper layers" of these problems may still become apparent to us, although there is already some improvement. 

It is then possible to take care of the other person’s "speck" or what has been done to someone. 
In cases where a judgment seems to be necessary – in regard to one’s own actions, or those of someone else – this shouldn’t be undertaken based on appearances but in a "right"/ "just"manner – that is, in a differentiated way and as constructively as possible (Cf. John 7:24)

This leads to a more loving and wise orientation. So one is no longer one's own obstacle on the path. On this path, Jesus can also serve as a compass that allows us to find a new balance beyond the one-sided "wrong tracks": (See the Table of the final chapter of the main text: "A Christian attitude - in the world, but not of the world", cf. John 17.).
- Impulses will come from one's own conscience too... (Matthew 5,5 and 5,9).

(This practice is mainly meant for people whose problems could be evaluated as "normal" by psychologists. If one wants to improve traits of one's own´personality, which are looked at as "ill" to a certain degree, it is all the more necessary to get assistance from an experienced, possibly also psychologically trained person - because he or she has even less self control than "normal" people when it comes to looking at their own problems. If this ability were so limited that they could not do this in spite of some help, it would still be possible for the person helping to pray for the person concerned, complementary to an adequate therapy. The "prerequisite" is to seek help: Jesus himself is known to have used the important question "Do you want to get well?" Cf. our page "...Healing".)


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Jesus Christ´s Ways, his contributions to human consciousness and to the changes of mankind and the earth: an independent Info-Page, with new viewpoints from many fields of investigation and experience; with practical hints for personal development.